Mike Vayda

Mike Vayda

Oberlin resident Mike Vayda helps his clients communicate well through consulting, training and conferences. His book, "Shoot the Messenger," is available on Amazon, and locally (of course) at Mindfair Books in Oberlin.

'I told you so,' shop, live local

Posted by Mike Vayda
Mike Vayda
Oberlin resident Mike Vayda helps his clients communicate well through consultin
User is currently offline
on July 17, 2012
in Resilient Economy

We realize that our town is in its own little bubble, don???t we?

It???s like we have our own ecosystem; a way of life that differs greatly from surrounding communities. Oberlin is certainly not perfect. But, it does have advantages. For example, I like living in a town that is trying to be ???local.??? In general, there???s a real effort to shop and support our own community. I used to run in the mornings (before P! 90! X!, that is. More on that later.) On trash day, I saw way more Lorenzo's pizza boxes than others. Of course, it's no surprise. It's good pizza. (Full disclosure: my son works there. I???m disclosing this fact so that you???ll tip Jake when he hands you the next pizza box.)

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